
What a Day!

Today was nothing short of amazing

This morning Kevin and I woke up early and got ready for church. We were both excited about this morning's church service because we have not been able to worship together in quite some time due to Kevin's work schedule. Around 9:30 this morning, Brooke came over to use our computer and internet so she could get ahead on some school work. As Kevin finished getting ready for church, I went in joined her in the bonus room and the two of us got to talking. The next time I looked at the clock, it was 11:15! I was so upset that we had missed church. I asked Kev if he wanted to go but he said by the time we'd arrive, there wasn't much point. So we ended up changing out of our dress clothes and headed to my parents house for our tradition of Sunday lunch with the family. However today was a bit unique because Kevin's parents came over too! 

After lunch, we headed to the nursing home to visit Kevin's great grandma and to see my grandmother. On Tuesday my grandmother will be 98 years old so my family all got together and threw her a birthday party. However, in my Nanny's typical fashion, she refused to get up and come join us for her party. Therefore, we had to party without her! But I did go in her room with mom and we got her to eat some of her cake (:

After we left the nursing home, Kevin and I headed to Greensboro. His work paid for all of their employees to go to the circus so of course we jumped on that opportunity! We had a blast!

Just when I thought the day could not get any better, Kevin surprised me by taking me to the movies to see The Vow. I have been looking forward to it's theater release for months now. I did love the movie but I was very disappointed that it did not go along with the real life couple's story that the movie was inspired by. If you haven't read about the real life couple, go get the book called "The Vow". It's very hard to find but if any of you live close by, I will be happy to lend it to you. It's very inspiring and truly shows what commitment and love really means. 

Well now, I'm off to bed to spend some quality time with my hubby. Hope you ladies had a fabulous Sunday as well!

1 comment:

Hearing from you ladies always make my day, so please let me know you stopped by!