Boston's Wild Rumpus

{Weekend Recap} The BEST Weekend

Five Things on Friday

Valentine's Day Minis
From my family to yours, Happy Valentine's Day!

{Weekend Recap} Shopping Trips & Home Projects
Happy Monday, girls! I don't know about you ladies but this weekend seemed to fly right by. Most of the time I'd whine about the matter but this was such a productive weekend in our household so I can't really complain about it. To top it off, today happens to be a teacher workday making it much easier to transition into a new week. So hat's off to optional Mondays!
Friday after school, Harper headed to her Nana Janet and Papa Mike's house to spend a little time with them. That being the case, I had a little free time on my hands before picking up our little man from daycare so I took the opportunity to work on some more of his party details. I'm little OCD so I went on and set up all the decorations in our dining room to be sure I liked the look of everything together. I knew if I didn't, I'd need the weekend to revamp all the details but thankfully it seemed to all go well together. I may or may not have just left everything up so I don't have to redecorate come Friday night. Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this? Kevin looks at me like I'm a bit insane... though why I'm not sure because I've been this way since he married me (;
Kevin worked Friday night which meant he spent Saturday sleeping. Since our kids don't always get the memo that Daddy is trying to sleep, I loaded the kids up and we headed to Greensboro with my best friend. We grabbed lunch at Chick-fil-a, Harper's favorite, then did a little spring shopping. Harper was in desperate need of a few spring items as we were in no way prepared for the 80 degree weather that we had here in NC this weekend. I let her pick out a few of her own outfits at Marshalls and to be quite honest, I was pleasantly surprised by her choices. Mama approved of them all. Holla!
Other than a few outfits for Harper, we also picked up a few new spring items for the house. I picked up some new hand towels for the bathroom, a new doormat, and these adorable spring dish towels. You might not know it, but I'm a dish towel hoarder. They're such an easy and inexpensive way to decorate.
We finished up our shopping trip at Target. I mean, how can you go shopping WITHOUT a trip to Target. That's just wrong my friends. While there Boston got to model some hats and sunglasses... of which he wasn't a fan of either. haha Oh and ignore his Mickey pajamas. He happened to have peed on my best friend (as Dad says, he was just marking his territory) and that happened to be the only spare change of clothes that we had in his bag.
When we returned home, I tossed in a lasagna I had put together before our shopping adventures. My parents and best friend came over to eat with us. When they left Harper and I curled up on the couch and spent the rest of the evening watching Paw Patrol while Kevin headed to work.
Sunday morning Kevin watched the kids so this mama could get a little extra sleep. By 7:30 I couldn't sleep any longer so I finally got up and joined everybody in the kitchen where the hubs had chicken biscuits and cinnamon rolls waiting. #besthusbandever It seemed as if our day was going to be a good one until I happened to feel Harper's head and she was burning up. She seemed happy and playful and all at once she just crashed. I put her on the couch and we watched a little tv together before she fell asleep. Not long after, Boston joined her too so I put him in his crib for a nap.
Unsure of what to do with myself as both kids were napping at the SAME time, I decided I'd paint our powder room. It was a spur of the moment decision but I just couldn't take the orange walls any longer. I didn't even have a paint color picked out for the space, so I headed to the garage and looked through our spare paint cans and grabbed a can that I thought would be enough. It only took me a little over an hour and as luck would have it, I had exactly the right amount of paint and I finished painting just as both kids were stirring. Here's a little sneak peek. I'll do a full before and after reveal once I have the space decorated!
Since Harper seemed to be a little bit more perky when she woke up, we headed to my parents' house for Sunday lunch. She didn't seem all herself when we got there but when Nana Linda and Papa Ted gave her some Valentine's Day money, she perked right up and asked if we could go to Walmart or Target. Bless her little heart. Shopping always makes her mama feel better too!
We didn't make it to either but we did head home and take it easy for the rest of the day. We watched the Hallmark movies, played some games, and cuddled in bed with our little people. Which quite honestly, is my favorite way to end a weekend.